i’m on a podcast!

hello, friends. we’re enjoying a beautiful end of the week (mostly) off from teaching due to the october 28th holiday (czechoslovak independence day).
i just wanted to let you know that my expat interview as a guest on the abroad podcast is out this week… just in case you ever wanted to hear me telling my entire expat story. it’s like the audio-book version of this blog. why i wanted to move abroad (and how i did), why we decided to leave prague, how our transition to budejovice was, and a little about expat life now, travel tips + some real talk opinions (fair warning!). also, apparently i’m really chatty and sound like a canadian. click here to check it out.
hope you enjoy it! and have a lovely hallo-weekend. we’re now putting the finishing touches on our costumes, drinking
dýňové (pumpkin spiced) lattes from our favorite local cafe, and enjoying the beautiful autumn scenery (or my most used word as of late: foliage!)