kitchens around the world

(add your kitchen to the list! more info at the end of the post)
it’s been a quiet, sunny, winter week here. so uneventful that i was scrolling through photos i took last year and couldn’t help but notice how many photos i took of kitchens i stayed in.
the thing that fascinated me the most about spending time in someone’s house is their kitchen, especially if they are from a different country than me. like most people, i only knew the kitchen in the house where i was raised and there, we do things a certain way. so it’s super interesting to see what others’ kitchens look like and what kind of products they’ve got stored away, and how they store them!
here’s a shelf from the kitchen from the flat i stayed in in paris… i find the “open cupboard” look endearing. this is also the first time i’ve ever used a bialetti, and man, was it fabulous! we already have a french press at home, but someday i’ll have a bialetti to call my own.

our bright and cheerful athens honeymoon kitchen, which featured cubes (kinda fun!).

our christmas in berlin kitchen, which was the home of an artist and a yoga/herbal remedy enthusiast, both obviously big fans of asia and zen living. there was not a drop of white sugar in that household (nothing in that zucker drawer, below), and a beautiful water filter that sat on the fridge.

i’m sure you already know what our kitchen here in budejovice looks like by now after alllll of those baking posts this summer.
definitely the best kitchen i’ve ever had for its uncharacteristic spaciousness, balcony (good for eating outdoors!), wall of big, bright windows, and plenty of counter space. we’ve decorated the wall with childrens’ drawings from summer camps, a hanging clothes-pin decoration of postcards and photos, and after a few years of living here, we put in a chalkboard to leave notes on. i am still thinking of ways to further personalize and better organize our things in the kitchen, though… i am greatly inspired by the tiny european kitchens in flats i’ve once stayed in.

natalye’s berlin kitchen remodel (before)
if you’re a blogger and have a post about YOUR kitchen or any others from your travels, let me know and i’ll post your link right here! (must show at least a couple photos so we can have a proper peak)
what do you like in a kitchen? i like when people make creative use of their small spaces.
linking up for travel tuesday