South Bohemia,  Summer,  Toddlerhood,  Week in Review

Week 33, 34 & 35 of 2024 (Year in Review)

August was hot! To my surprise upon returning from our trip to Germany and Denmark on August 11th, I kind of assumed, you know that this whole “heat thing” would be done; probably because I’m used to returning here in September. But haha no, of course there was plenty more heat left of the summer.

The first week back (Week 33) was slightly but despairing until I found my stride and realized it won’t actually last forever. Now, even though it’s still very hot in September, I’ve learned some things about heatwaves and want to share some heatwave tips!

Tips for Surviving a Heatwave (when you have no AC)

  • First things first – how you cool your house. In the morning, first thing, fling open those windows if they aren’t open already. Morning air is the coolest. Keep them open just before the air temperature outside is the same as the current temperature inside. Then batten down the hatches! Close all blinds and curtains for the rest of the day on any windows that the sun will hit, especially southern-facing. Other sides of the house can possibly still have open windows, especially the north side.
  • In the evening we open the windows at the point that the air temperature outside matches inside, just to get some air flow. Keep the windows open as late as you can or all night long if you don’t mind it.
  • When the windows are open at night, the lights need to be off or a curtain blocking the window to keep insects out. This has worked for us 98% of the time.
  • However, when all lights are off, make sure your curtain isn’t blocking the open window – it actually will block the breezes and nice airflow a bit. You want a clear, unimpeded path for that fresh air to come in.
  • Buy a fan! Summers in Europe are hot enough the past couple years that we actually caved and bought a tower fan for the baby’s room while he sleeps. Nobody wants a sweaty baby. It is sososo nice to have during those hot afternoons.
  • Go out as early in the morning you can to do the things you need to do and stay in in the afternoon if possible. It’s just not worth it to bake under the sun.
  • The only exception to the above is spending the afternoon near a body of water or in the shade outside. It drives me nuts to spend the afternoon indoors but some days just call for it.
  • In your fridge: iced tea, popsicles, chilled seltzer water, watermelon slices ready to go, freshly-cut, juicy watery veg like cucumber and red pepper locked and loaded.
  • Avoid long baking or stove-top cooking times. Quick cooking grains or raw is needed.
  • As far as women’s’ clothing – long skirts and anything that covers the chest a lot traps heat, not recommended. Think breezy and short!

Now in September, you sense that the end of the heatwave is coming so the situation doesn’t feel quite as dire as it did in July. Now I’m actually, dare I say enjoying the heat because I know it’ll leave us soon. Weird!

Otherwise, it’s been such a nice slow summertime here in South Bohemia. We’ve been enjoying bopping around town, pool time, day trips around the region (after our long train riding, little trips seem like a walk in the park!). Our house’s back garden has been replete with tomatoes and pears (and soon, plums!) which we all have been enjoying very much. This time of year is my favorite for cooking and the bounty of the harvest is so inspirational.

Last week we went to Písek for the day to visit our friends and had such a lovely time doing all the fun local things-when-you-have-a-toddler to do. I completely forgot about the ostrov (island) in the middle and the nice playgrounds and lovely restaurant/pub there. Anytime you have massive old shady trees covering a wide expanse in the summer, this is my very vibe. And wow, the library in Písek (and children’s department) is truly incredible for a relatively small city! Puts ours in Budejovice to shame a little bit.

As the evenings grow shorter I’m pretty much glued to my balcony for as long as I can see as I know those long evenings of enjoying it (without a child hanging around) are days away. Although early summer is so precious, late summer might be my favorite? My goal for this upcoming week is to go to the zoo (while all the other children in the city start school!) and make s’mores before the summer is over.

Reading: “Simplicity Parenting”, kind of boring to say you’re reading a parenting book but I highly recommend this one to parents of any-aged kids. A great way to look at making sure your homelife is running as smoothly as possible on all cylinders. And trying to read my German newspaper and National Geographic magazine during any daytime downtime (not a whole lot).

Listening: Our little one heard “Bye Bye Bye” by N’sync at a festival this past weekend and is now requesting it all the time, as well as drumming all the time with his spoon and fork. Why is this song making a comeback? I’ve heard it was in the Wolverine vs. Deadpool soundtrack, is that it?

Watching: We’ve been watching Beavis and Butthead recently, reliving our late-night teenage MTV years and it is so funny! It’s actually aged really well (for an oft cringey show). This relatively recent SNL sketch (related to B&B) had me in stitches.

What’s still lingering on your summer bucket list? Wishing everyone a beautiful start of September and hoping to share about our trip to the German-Danish border very soon!

Mouse took this photo and even though it’s blurry, it was the best one! It’s got that new summer dress from Daughters of India slay energy.