what month is it?

… because it’s certainly hard to believe that it’s january. after “hibernating” the past two weekends, we had a delightful saturday wandering leisurely through trebon: around the ponds, through the historical city center, & to a fancy little fish restaurant called šupina a šupinka where we feasted on carp fries and fish soup. i was in the mood for a true “sobo meal”, and i know a lot of czechs make fried carp for the holidays (often in the form of a rižek, or schnitzel) but some families do the carp “chips”. and hey hey, those were really delicious! i certainly didn’t fancy myself a carp lover, but anything
šupina prepares is super artfully done.
not my photo, but i want you get the idea. (too busy stuffing my face) photo via.

also, next time you want to try a fancy restaurant, just consider it important research. plus, if you want to cook great food, you’ve got to eat (other peoples’) great food, right?

pretty weird to go to -15°C to 10°C in about the course of a week, isn’t it?
watching the ducks and waterfowl. svět pond was just lightly frozen over except in a few areas, like this part (below) where all of the ducks have congregated. anytime is a good time to walk around the south bohemian ponds, really.

trebon really is the fish capital of the czech republic! so many great looking fish restaurants to be found serving up the freshest carp, pike, perch, trout, zander, and any other lake fish you could dream up.

oh january, you’ve been pretty alright. probably the most enjoyable january i could remember: buckets of snow + sunny pre-spring temps. lots of cozy book time, game nights, movie nights, trip scheming, looooads of teaching hours, and hopefully my boots’ll come back to the shop so i can go on long walks and hikes again. (there’s just nothing like your favorite boots, you know?)
how was your month?