The Five-Petaled Rose Festival in Český Krumlov

one of the biggest festivals of the year in this region, held in little ĉesky krumlov. it’s a city-wide renaissance fair with many stages and areas of interest for acts like juggling, snake-charming, renaissance songs, sword fighting, falconry… and a band that claims the genre “castle rock” (awesome). many festival goers wander around in traditional medieval dress– especially since free admission with a costume as an incentive.
what is not to love about wandering around a cobblestoney old town drinking a mojito? as well as this, we ate at the ever lovely vegetarian joint laibon, snacked on ice cream cones, watched the canoers wipe out at rougher points in the river from the castle. as i am hoping to take a canoe trip day sometime this summer, it’s important to observe what to do and what not to do. (like running aground, tipping, steering poorly, etc) everyone hoots and hollers whenever someone flips over. i think it must be a favorite past-time of the locals.
and can i mention the czechs affinity for ice cream cones? in the summer there are stands EVERYWHERE. you see a cone in the hands of all people, young and old, even on places like the bus. czech people just really love their ice cream. as a student told me, “it represents summer to us.”

view from our table at laibon

mattoni and a ginger lemonade. so good– must make this at home!

the bear in the castle moat bear pit

beautiful birds at the falconry exhibition

…. and a renaissance dog.
Bottom-Line: Should you go to the Five-Petaled Rose Festival?
if you’re visiting the czech republic and it just happens to be on, i’d say go for sure. however, i would not make any special trip (from prague, for example) for this festival. the festivities are fun, but it’s extra crowded and you have to pay to get into the city center which is usually free. i think there are nicer festivals to visit!
an amazing first weekend of summer, which ain’t over yet. i got big plans today that include a stroll into town on our way to LIDL, possible outdoor swimming pool time, and taco night! i have a “famous” taco recipe now which involves: tortillas, black beans, lime dirty rice with tomatoes, cheddar cheese (if possible), any type of greens plus avocado slices. you won’t even miss the meat, it’s so deliciousssss.
happy summer! i hope you’re enjoying the long days and warm weather as much as i am.