• Summer

    may, lately

    hey, it’s may! may sure starts quiet slow and cool but boy does it ramp up quickly! especially when you live in the czech republic which has a holiday two weeks in a row. i don’t know about you guys, but i can already feel the slowing of the school year and delighting in the approach of the second half of spring (the better half). here are some things that have been making me smile lately… our hiking holiday at the end of april really got the spring/warm weather mood going! i posted the above photo in that particular post but it’s just too darned cute not to share again.…

  • Summer

    the glorious oncoming of may

    i always adore the beginning of may. even moreso this year. i know i may have been gloating a little about our summer-like weather on april first, but trust me, i got my comeuppance, because it snowed last friday. all over. big dumpings. and it wasn’t okay. we opted out of this year’s boat trip because of it (of course, the most hardcore went and survived). after stumbling through the frigid last week of april, i just couldn’t get my ire up and was so glad to see the end of that month. we diiiid squeeze in a fun date night that night at fancy schmancy u solne brany which…