the vary many ways that i love you

at some point, going to the karlovy vary international film festival year became more than just a one year thing. now, after four years, it has become basically mandatory for us and one of my most favorite summer getaways.
since i’ve never been to karlovy vary while the festival hasn’t been on (except for the day before and after which are always a bit sad, really), i am honestly not sure if i’d like to visit during the rest of the year. i’m not sure i’d like one without the other. what is the festival without vary, and what is vary without the festival? i love the buzzing streets, how there’s always some kind of event going on, the stars, the almost perfect summer weather… to me, it’s like oreos and milk. better together.
i love how romantic this city is. the canals… the amazing architecture that takes your breath away every time. the dark hills that envelope the city… and that i’ve still yet to climb due to filmcation reasons. getting to know (decently well) this opposite and HIGHLY beautiful corner of the country from where i live.
but also, specifically, the festival experience. the typical sleep deprivation (but not this year for us– read on!), the coffee-quaffing, the enlightening director q&a’s, the mic stand guy (KVIFF celebrity) at the grand hall, the international aspect of the whole affair, the festival food… i am growing quite attached, i have to say.

this year, our festival experience felt super luxurious. we got all the films we wanted and took it easy (read: three films per day) as to have plenty of time to also enjoy life! naps, leisurely coffee breaks, picnics… these things i’ve realized are also important to the experience. after three rounds of KVIFF under my belt, i’ve realized that i don’t exactly love cramming the day as full of films as possible. on paper, it seems doable, but each film is this complex story that you leave thinking about and still processing. to have four or five different stories per day is too much for my mind to handle and definitely feels like work at that point. three is definitely the magic number.
just in case you were more curious about our favorite films from this year, they’d have to be: little harbor (piata lod’ – a czech/slovak production – was both of our favorites), the other side of hope (a finnish film by quirky director aki kaurismaki), corporate (one of my picks), and man of integrity (alex’s pick).

(tasty picnic fare from the fantastic malé
bistro + my nespresso moment for the year)

also – gotta make time to taste water from everysinglespring (pramen) with my spa sippy cup. the obsession is growing and growing each year. this year i practically relied on it. i am so into anything weird, healthy, green, or mineral-y. there are so many secret health benefits to this water, i’m tellin’ ya.
‘til next year! we love you vary much.
ps, you might like last year’s festival diary & more impressions of vary from 2014 & 2013 (when we camped!).
this post is a part of wanderful wednesday.