
chilled to the bone in třeboň

i have rarely felt as cold in my life as i did today. ohhh, that brutal winter temperature chilled me right to the bone, i’m sure.
it seemed like a good idea to go to třeboň for the afternoon to go swimming at one of the famous spas, but when you go back into those freezing temperatures with damp hair and not the proper under(or over) garments, perhaps it wasn’t such a good idea after all. it was nice, at least, to have a wintry walk through trebon before stopping for chlebíčky (open-face sandwiches) at a café.

after returning back to budějovice, i pretty much felt like i might die. just the walk from the train station to our flat felt like walking through a snowstorm (there wasn’t one) and that i might not make it; maybe you’d find me laying on lannova třída somewhere. alex had the brilliant idea for us to duck into mcdonalds of all places for hot chocolates.
(have y’all been to mcdonalds lately? the screens you can order from are so fun. the future is now.)

with some kind of renewed strength, we soldiered on home and i immediately hopped in the kitchen to start making a soup. until i was like – cynthia, what are you honestly doing right now. still chilled to the bone, i through off my apron and into the bath, where i could have easily remained for hours.

you can barely see, but the two statues on the sporitelna building (above) are 1) a man holding a carp and 2) a woman, preparing a carp. welcome to south bohemia.

you know those people who are like, “oh, i love cold wintry days because you can be in the warm swimming pool” or “this rainy night is perfect for spending at the cinema”. i want to be that kind of person, but why doesn’t anyone recognize that it means you have to leave your house to trudge through the rain or cold? well, unless you’re driving, which is completely not my story.

major takeaway: i think i’ll spend my future winter saturdays cozy at home, thank you. adventuring will have to wait a teeny bit longer. třeboň – we’re coming back for you in warmer times.

have you been on any winter adventures lately or are you waiting for spring?

ps. a lovelier winter


day out two years ago & spring in
