wedding week

i had been thinking for months and months now that reacclimating to the united states would be difficult after almost three years abroad, largely spent in a non-english speaking area of europe. but you know what? it was so easy. the first couple of days weirded me out just a little bit; new doritos flavors that i’ve never heard of, way too friendly customer service types, but other than that? it’s like finding your favorite coat in the back of your closet, trying it on, and realizing that it feels really great, still looks good, and is still your style.
all of that time wondering if i will remember how to drive, pump gas, or write a check! hah! it comes back in an instant. (actually i didn’t know which way to swipe my card at the pump, and i did mess up the first check i wrote, but now we’re good)
some funny observations…
- all the cars are bigger
- the people are generally also bigger
- high-fructose corn syrup in all the things!
- hate feeling obligated to ask how a customer service worker’s day is just because they asked me
- people everywhere are walking around smiling
- now that i’ve been removed from it, there is a total “seattle type” of person– never realized this before
- the kids here just aren’t as cute
- you’ve got to walk way more, at least, in seattle vs. budejovice
- there is a car service called uber now which is pretty great
- everyone is always playing around with the internet on their phones
- people treat their dogs like babies rather than dogs
- seattle is changing reallyfast – condos going up, old houses going down quicker than you can shake a stick.
(you can continue to follow more observations on the tweetybox… ‘cause oh, there will be more)

all in all, it’s been a fantastic first week and a half back in america. i got to see my girls last weekend on a full, fun-packed bachelorette day. nothing too crazy, it basically involved feeling really loved, enjoying a perfect sunny warm seattle summer day, lots of well-made greyhounds, loads of sangin’ and hilarity, and making memories with my favorite people that i will never forget.
it’s a strange but purely fantastic feeling to have all of these people come together on your behalf. getting married is awesome.

with the wedding in LESS THAN A WEEK, i’m not sure how much you’ll hear out of me as out-of-state family is due to arrive TOMORROW. wish me luck, y’all. gonna go marry the man of my dreams; the dude who agreed to go on this crazy (and still continuing) adventure with me.
(some photos by my friend anna + ashley mae scott)