Camping in Hallstatt
spent an amazing three nights camping in the salzkammergut lake district of austria on the hallstätter see (lake hallstatt). hallstatt is a tiny village crammed on the edge of a mountain right on the huge beautiful blue and green lake, with crystal clear glacier water. i wanted a decompress-relax holiday and i got it!

walking back to the campground

there was a lot of this!

pretty as a postcard

what says holiday like ice cream cones? in mein neues hut!

the bone chapel– over 1200 skulls, half of them lovingly painted with pictures to represent characteristics of how the person was in life. started due to the small size of the town cemetery.

nice easy hike in the echerntalweg to waldbachsturb— a waterfall in the heart of the valley

we camped at kläusner-holl camping, probably the only camp ground in hallstatt proper. what a great site with amazing facilities! it was hard to ignore what an international destination this part of austria is– we camped alongside germans, poles, brits, greeks, belgians, dutch, and many czech families and couples. hallstatt is obviously very beautiful and perfect for a chill and relaxing holiday to enjoy and soak up the scenery and atmosphere.
every time i visit austria, it’s so darn hard to leave! it’s like “please please please can i just stay??” excellent customer service, friendly people, understandable language. and so easy to get to– as the austrian border is about one hour from where i live and it took only 3.5 hours to get to hallstatt.
in other news: watching big brother 15 on CBS (go team moms! down with the racist mean girls!), tryinggggg to renew my visa, and feeling relaxed to start our kids english summer camps extravaganza next week. yep– 7:30am to 4pm daily for three weeks of hanging out with first graders, singing songs, coloring, going on field trips, and hopefully keeping everything under control. i am oddly looking forward to it, but i sure am going to enjoy the heck out of this weekend first. happy weekend!