little farm by the canyon

hi guys! how’s your august been? you may know that we are spending almost the entire month of august in iceland, to really do it right this time. the main thing i wanted to do this summer was work-stay (as i have missed it and travel so very much since our adventure began in scotland almost four years ago!) and really build the trip around that. we were so fortunate to be able to do our farm stay on a beautiful little farm in reykholtsdalur in western iceland.
when our host picked us up, i was in awe of the landscape around us on the drive there. high, green mossy hills in many shapes and sizes for as far as you can see until we arrive at the farm which is located at the base of a canyon.

for a couple weeks now, we’ve been enjoying the slow pace of farm life here in iceland and conversations with our hosts going out in the small spruce groves and clipping branches to prepare them for distillation and berry picking as our main jobs; the latter which was also one of my favorite hobbies in my free time. i’ve learned so much about local plant life here in iceland and it’s only tapping deep down in my great need to learn even more!what an inspiration.
the other day i asked my host family: “as icelanders, what do you think about the growing amount of tourists in your country?”
perhaps they chose their words closely as i, of course, am also a tourist, but one woman replied, “we have no problem with the tourists, they’re fine… it’s just when developers come and change [reykjavik], new hotels and buildings go up, we can hardly recognize our city.” i can’t blame them! the city’s “skyline” has changed much in the 5+ years since first visited. out here though, you would never know there were ever tourists about.
below, clipping spruce branches for distillation to essential oils.

lucky, we were able to walk up the hill and find several waterfalls in the canyon near okjökull… of course, always accompanied by our favorite doggie buddy.
that’s not to say it hasn’t come with a few struggles, like holy mother of allergies! just when i made it through the rough allergy season of 2016 in central europe (about late may to early july) do i realize i’m in the height of allergy season here on an island in the atlantic with no pills packed for the trip. mental note: bring allergy meds if you’re headed into the country, even in early autumn! fortunately i was able to obtain this! lifesaver.

…and there was that morning that alex had to wrestle ram horns out of barbed-wire, all before his morning coffee (which was strong ‘cause icelandic coffee simply rules)…

but now, to those pretty canyon views from our free time adventuring…
i used to not see the big deal about waterfall photos. i guess i still really don’t like waterfall photos as it doesn’t compare at all to the visceral appeal of the real thing; the hypnotic way the water moves and that deafening roar. sometimes, a photo will have to suffice!

i am so happy to have had the opportunity to continue work-staying after four years! there is nothing like it, for me; to give back to the place you’re touring as well as get a true peak into what life is like in this part of the world… and meet the sweetest farm dogs.
onward, to more adventure!
follow along on instagram.