• Summer

    the best souvenirs to bring home

    among the online travel community, souvenirs are sort of a divisive issue. there are those who would never even touch a souvenir and feel like they are a waste of money and not an accurate representation of a place, and then there are the people who can’t stay away from those touristy shops with knick-knacks and bags that say the city’s name all over it (made in china). while i don’t like knick-knacks (clutter!!!), i do love a little bit of shopping on a trip and almost always regret not picking up something. over the years, i have developed and refined my stance of souvenirs – often there’s not a…

  • Iceland,  Lifestyle,  Thoughts,  TravelTips

    7 Things to Do When You REALLY Miss a Place – Homesickness Cures

    I am an expert place-misser and I know many of you can relate! You go around the world and leave your heart in so many places, with many people, and then go back to where you live and just sort of slump around for awhile in those periods of heavy homesickness. And hey, homesickness isn’t just for your hometown. Travelers, wanderers and expats all know that the concept of home is a tad bit more complicated than that. Without a doubt, I believe it can be in another place where you leave your heart and it hurts not to be there sometimes… especially when you’re fresh from a trip to…

  • Summer

    imagine peace on viðey island

    as one of the main reasons we went to iceland was to celebrate my mother’s birthday as a family (which luckily happened to be directly after iceland airwaves ended), i started thinking of something memorable we could do together. one of the first thoughts that came to mind was a day trip to viðey island. you may remember how much i like tiny islands? having been to flatey (which is only just a tad bigger) in the west fjords on my last trip, two years before. it is really not often talked about, but there there are a handful of tiny islands in the kollafjörður bay (of which viðey is…

  • Summer

    airwaves glory days

    i just had one of the best weeks of my life in iceland. now, i don’t want to get this crooked: it’s not because iceland “the vision”, magical fairytale place you hear mentioned all the time these days. reykjavik is a cold, dark (in the winter), windy place. it’s sprawling as all get out. it’s not always picture-perfect colorful buildings. even so, i have ended up falling in love with this city and country whose culture and music i so revere– that icy, treeless grassy nordic island. that’s what this ‘best week’ business is about. it’s also chalked up to the festival of my dreams (iceland airwaves – an annual mostly icelandic…

  • Summer

    the place i can’t get out of my head

    i don’t know where my obsession with iceland came from… because it is an obsession, full-blown. maybe it was in college at some point when an acquaintance of mine did a one month seminar in reykjavik in the mid-aughts. it was the first time i had ever heard of someone going to reykjavik, besides that one time the mighty ducks went there to play the “evil icelanders” in D2: the mighty ducks. but i digress. i became quickly enchanted with even the idea of visiting this island that met all of my criteria for a fascination: isolated. island. big enough, but not too big. a mysterious history steeped in myth.…

  • Summer

    first video! “one month in iceland”

    i’ve been meaning to start making videos forever, and maybe this is what it will take to give me a little jump! i’ve edited together some videos i took over the four weeks in iceland + some funny moments that maybe you would enjoy seeing.  the video was filmed at the following places (generally, in this order):flatey islandstykkishólmurat the farm in borgarbyggd (also again near the end) Þjórsá riverdyrhólaeyreynisfjara beachjökulsárlón glacier lagoonon the road in southeast iceland i’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments! thanks for following along. xo this post is part of wanderful wednesday.

  • Summer

    west is the best?

    the first taste i got of how laid-back iceland is was on the way to stykkisholmur on the snaefellsnes peninsula in west iceland by bus. the bus left late from the capital because the driver was busy helping two backpackers fit their bicycles in an already packed luggage compartment. we were about fifteen minutes late, and the connection time to catch the second bus in bogarnes was a scant five minutes. after we passed akranes and started for borgarnes, i began silently freaking out. yes, i was that guy who asked the bus driver (when nobody else seemed to care) if he could radio the other driver to tell him…

  • Summer

    tahiti or iceland? when hiking near skaftafell (part of vatnajökull national park in southeast iceland) on a dreamy, warm summer morning, you can’t really be sure sometimes! tropical-looking plants, mountains, waterfalls, colorful wild flowers and sun like nobody’s business. what really is the difference? the waterfall there surrounded by gorgeous, black basalt columns is svartifoss, about 3km from the trail-head at the campsite, where we stayed. there are so many marvelous hiking trails from this area that one could really stay for days and be satisfied here! not to mention the beautiful glacier always looming overhead. just had to pop in with some biiiig photos to share with you my “is it…

  • Summer

    camping road trip, iceland style

    hi all! did you have a wonderfully warm and sunny august?  i’m back (home) in the czech republic and newly invigorated by this iceland trip, having unexpectedly experienced both sunny and warm weather on the trip. it was a fantastic month, but i wanted to share with you a little about our camping road trip! we spent four days crossing iceland’s south coast, from reykjavik to jökulsárlón and back, which including our interior driving near the southwest golden circle area put us at about 1,000km. why the south coast? well. i was not a newbie to iceland, but having never visited the south coast before, i felt as though it…

  • Summer

    little farm by the canyon

    hi guys! how’s your august been? you may know that we are spending almost the entire month of august in iceland, to really do it right this time. the main thing i wanted to do this summer was work-stay (as i have missed it and travel so very much since our adventure began in scotland almost four years ago!) and really build the trip around that. we were so fortunate to be able to do our farm stay on a beautiful little farm in reykholtsdalur in western iceland. when our host picked us up, i was in awe of the landscape around us on the drive there. high, green mossy…