Autumn,  Daily Life,  motherhood,  South Bohemia,  Week in Review

Week 38 & 39 of 2034 (Year in Review)

The middle weeks of September were challenging, to say the least. I first saw some inklings that there was a very severe weather event blowing our way mid-week 38 and when the rains came, they came. They arrived. It started raining sometime on Thursday and didn’t stop until later on Monday. Not only does that seem like a downer, everyone was predicting it would flood and there were warnings to prepare for floods at the level of 2002 or 2012. We filled all fillable containers in our house, made sure all bathing and washing of anything was done and felt nervous the entire weekend as I anxiously monitored the situation online; hourly updates from others in the community on Facebook at what the current situation at our two rivers (Malše and Vltava) was like.

In the end, the Vltava fortunately did not flood at all (which would have been devastating) but there was flooding on the Malše and in the very southern areas of the city, such as villages near Roudne, Vidov and even more southern in Plav and Doudleby. Seeing the Malše rushing as fast as it was as you can see in the photo above (normally the sleepiest river I know — I have rafted a few times on it!) was really creepy.

Not only was there just rain that never let up and constant dread of something going wrong at any moment, but I started having the most incredibly terrible allergies beginning Friday. I’m no stranger to seasonal spring allergies (grass and pollen, mid-May to mid-July) but an allergy another time of the year is a huge red flag for me. Immediately I thought it was a cold, tested myself for Covid, etcetera but then when they didn’t let up, meaning the cold “didn’t progress”, I popped an allergy med and it did the trick. It was almost worse to know that it was allergies because I knew, with the historical amount of rains and living in this old building, water audibly falling inside in the chimney shaft running through our side of the building where there is a hole in the roof… that would highly probably mean a mold allergy. I’ve been through it twice. I get a sixth sense about these things.

Fortunately as the constant wetness let up, so did the severity of my symptoms but I have been and will continue to monitor what happens especially as we’re about to get some chilly autumnal rainy days ahead this week. Some days have been fine, some have been bad.

But it wasn’t all doom and gloom! We welcomed in the autumn equinox on a beautiful weekend with a neighborhood block party in the park and creating a lovely Mabon mandala with friends and our children running around happily. Pumpkin spice lattes. Lots of park visits with my little one as usual in my maternity leave life (one playground totally underwater, however, above) but, you know me. Determined to eke out every last drop of mild and fair autumn weather.

I baked these ultra fab cheesy protein rolls, meant to be something like the Danish gulerodsboller. Fourteen entire grams of protein per roll! Everyone loved them and I thought they were especially delicious with a carmelized onion chutney.

Speaking of Denmark, see you soon right here with (finally!) photos and tales from our trip to the North Sea. I hope this finds you safe, happy and healthy and wish you a happy October.