What I Do Now
in my opinion, what one does for a living certainly shouldn’t define their worth as a person in any way. no, i’m not really a fan of the question, “so, what do you do?” {referring to their occupation} when meeting someone new, although it does provide you with more insight into their daily lives (for ever-curious people like me) and perhaps what their skills and interests are, i have to admit. and these days, i am much happier answering this question than i used to be.

but before wasn’t terrible or anything; i have so many fond memories of being downtown seattle barista extraordinaire chick. a video of me “on bar” (as they say in the profession) was filmed and shown to a conference of over 10,000 employees of starbucks japan. my manager told me upon my leaving that i was the best barista he’s ever had work for him (gawl….) but i couldn’t grow anymore at the company unless i wanted a promotion. and while i wouldn’t completely rule it out in the future (never say never!), for now, i really like teaching english… about as much as i like living abroad, really!
unlike some jobs, teaching is a profession in which there is always much more to learn and ways to improve your craft. some days i have AWESOME lessons where i really feel like my student learned and has now “got it”. not all lessons are as amazing as this however, because sometimes there are just off days. (even though teachers aren’t “supposed” to have them. i do my best!) and the looooong days where you’re tired of actively listening and catch yourself mentally planning the night’s meal. one time a student of mine (after about 6 months of lessons with me) confided in me that, “i could tell you were a new teacher but your lessons are better and better!” i wanted to equal parts facepalm and smile.

but i know my teachers growing up made a difference in my life, and i all i can hope for is that some czech girl grows up and still fondly remembers her crazy blonde american teacher and the funny activities we did together to help her learn successfully vocabulary or grammar. and thinking about this helps pump me up as i begin teaching intensive evening lessons for the next three weeks. (berlinale cash, woohoo!) alex too feels enamored by his job. just today, he and two kinders (our shorthand for kindergartners) put their bottoms on various things in the classroom to help teach the word “bottom” (it was a body parts unit, in his defense).
besides leisurely lesson planning over a cuppa in the afternoons, what i do lately is also COOK! january just seems like an excellent time to be in the kitchen. i already miss the food melee we had over the holiday season (“NO MORE FOOD!”– everyone) and even have considered making eggnog again (i miss it). over the weekend i made a chicken noodle soup using the rest of the duck from christmas dinner (frozen, and ready to use) with the addition of shredded meat from three small chicken breasts. nothing like homemade stock, man.

this batch of granola is my best ever (psstt…. cardamom + more honey!)

and i rediscovered my enjoyment of roasted chickpeas. so easy to take raw chickpeas, coat them with olive oil, salt, pepper, and curry powder, toss, then bake at 200 C for approximately 30 minutes. they can top salads, soups, one-bowl-meals, but i think they’re the best on their own as a snack.

and before my cooking-kick this week, there was this. to get me through. sent to me by two lovely moms for christmas. thanks moms! you’ll never know how much i’ve missed it.

so, that’s what i do now. for the time being.
besides reading more (which i’ve vowed to do in january) and finishing the blasted christmas puzzle that just won’t quit. and if you don’t hear from me this week, i’ll be lesson planning, teaching, or watching sherlock. cheers!
{below, what alex does now… or at least yesterday.}