day two of unexplained power outage continues. arg. yesterday evening, i made swedish meatballs to celebrate leif erickson day (instead of columbus day) in the waning daylight on our gas stove lit with matches. it was funny to sit in the measly light of candles like the vikings must of done.
today i took the plunge and had a cold shower. it wasn’t quite as bad as i thought. sort of reinvigorating in the middle of the day, to be honest! not a huge fan of the heat not working, but eh, we have blankets and tea. we will survive.

besides the cold showers and no heat, i’ve actually been really high on life here in the czech republic. autumn is beautiful. cold mornings give way to mostly sunny afternoons. as someone who chooses to live abroad, there are inevitably times of homesickness. of apathy. of disgust. (11 months in CZ and i only stepped in my first dog shit just the other day! that, my friends, is lucky)
but lately it’s just been glowing happiness. an appreciation for the czech language, a good hard look at the pretty buildings and strange historic plaques on them. reading great czech literature (just started hašek’s the good soldier svějk) and planning weekend jaunts around the area. running into people you know on your street on farmer’s market saturday. and check out this killer website by czech tourism! if that doesn’t make you want to visit, i don’t know what will. although czech rep isn’t the friendliest or coziest of countries, gosh darnit, it sure seems a bit lovelier now.

BUDSIDE CREW – our town’s breakdancing “crew”. also, what we call ourselves.

poliklinika sever, english translation: northern polyclinic. (it took me forever to pronounce that correctly) the block we always catch our buses at, a couple minute walk from our house.

epic walk along the river last sunday. gorgeous fall weather!
and for the first time….. ever caught on film…. our favorite local character, “biker dude”. we have seen this guy all over town on a bicycle that is completely tricked out to look like a motorcycle in the most serious and extreme way. he is also always decked out in a denim jacket with patches and leather sleeves, sunglasses, and a coon-skin cap. we always hear him before we spot him, as he’s always playing AC/DC, bad company, or some other southern-style american classic rock coming out of the attached “sound system”. before this photo we hadn’t seen him around in a long time…. but lo and behold….

Edit: As of 2018, Biker Dude now recognizes me when we pass each other in the street and gives me the up-nod.