Autumn,  Life Abroad,  Prague,  Teaching

survived the first week of school!

it is friday and alex and i have both survived our first week of our intensive TEFL course!  this week has been full of homework, lectures, nerves, and learning how to lesson plan.  on only the second day of the course we were expected to teach at least 15 minutes on our own and the fourth day of the course, teach an entire 50 minute lesson on our own, beginning to end.  i feel accomplished and glad to be actively working towards some of my goals and dreams.

we have officially been here for an entire week and are getting to know our temporary neighborhood of vysocanksa in prague 9.  i’ve had my share of language barrier troubles, but the survival czech lessons at school are helping a little.  i’ve really enjoyed teaching my students so far and after dealing with some difficult people, it is so nice to meet these lovely adults who are excited about learning english and even clap for me after my lesson is done.

i said in my earlier post that there is no end in sight to how long we’ll be in prague, but since our main aim is to find a job in germany teaching english, we have to fully commit to germany.  if we stay in CZ, we would have to start searching for an apartment ASAP because that is a requirement for obtaining a visa to live here.  all i can hope for is that this whole job search/visa/apartment process goes as smoothly as possible.  i know it’ll be a long road, but we’ll get there.  i heard rumors that in early january schools are in hiring mode for the coming year so we’re banking on this.

thanksgiving came and went with no real acknowledgment from really anyone, even  most of the americans in my class didn’t say anything.  we cooked up some garlicy chicken, alex’s excellent mashed potatoes, and found cranberry sauce and called it dinner. i attempted to make the erickson family jello but it didn’t solidify.  how can jello fail like that?  is it not fail-proof?  

no photos this time– i would post a photo of my “view” but, you know, just picture a huuuuge dirt lot and an disused industrial building beside it.

and finally, a note on black friday.  this is the first black friday in FOUR YEARS i have not busted my ass behind the bar at starbucks or rang up a billion people per hour.  i miss the reindeer ears and my crazy co-workers singing christmas songs dementedly.  it feels very strange and almost wrong not to be with them today on this busiest retail day of the year.  so everyone, remember to be extra kind to your cashiers, baristas, or other service industry folk you come across this weekend.  and happy beginning-of-holiday-season!