• Eats,  Lifestyle,  Minimalism,  Recipe

    New Year, New Focus! + Homemade Peanut Butter Recipe

    Hi, friends. I’ve written and re-written this post about three times for no other reason than I wasn’t really able to convey the sort of thing I wanted to, but giving it another go. I hope your New Year has been treating you well so far! The fact that I barely noticed we were past the middle of January means that the month’s been flying, but in a good way. Other winter seasons here in Budejovice have not always been entirely, how to I put this… successful for me. They may have started strong but I fell into some sort of anti-social, hibernatory rut and didn’t resurface in a good…

  • Summer

    my zero waste progress (& DIY oat milk recipe!)

    you’d have to be living under a rock to not have heard the term "zero waste" thrown around. next to “adaptogen”, i am predicting it’s one of those buzzwords of the last year. and why not? even though it sounds like a phase and trendy, i am whole-heartedly on-board with zero waste becoming a thing that we just all do without thinking! zero waste doesn’t have to mean that you absolutely create no waste at all, but an overall catchphrase for people trying to make steps to cut down on waste in order to live as zero waste as they possibly can in that time of their life. making substitutes and compromises…