• Summer

    lovely blogs

    last month i was nominated by the fabulous bailie of the hemborg wife for a lovely blog award, which was such a nice surprise! i thought it was kinda funny too because i can’t get enough of using the word lovely… so fitting! the rules of the lovely blog award? thank the blogger who nominated you for the award add the one lovely blog award logo to your post (or elsewhere on your blog) share 7 facts about yourself nominate some other blogs to receive the award – blogs that you admire for sharing stories in a “lovely” way. so here goes seven facts about this gal… 1) i’m fascinated by celebrating heritage and am officially…

  • Summer,  Travel,  TravelTips

    The Day When (Almost) Nothing Went Right in Warsaw

    a few days ago i shared my perfect monday in berlin, so it seems only right to balance that out with a travel day that was quite the opposite. i had such high hopes for my last day in warsaw. you know how last days are– a final chance to fit in all the things that you’ve learned about in the first couple days. unfortunately, the day turned into an almost laughable example of a travel day gone awry. sure, we weren’t actually travelling this day and the weather was quite good so i admit it could’ve been much worse. i really enjoyed parts of this day but even then it…

  • Summer

    best monday

    about two weeks ago, i had one of the best mondays ever. i can’t say the best monday because one monday in scotland i visited the oban distillery at 10am. and another monday in scotland i went to the isle of eigg for the day, which was one of my all-time favorite days, period. but two mondays ago in berlin… that comes relatively close. finally got out of bed about 10:00 after lazing around reading for a bit. breakfast time. about 11:30, walked to volkspark hasenheide to play mini-golf! one of my absolutely favorite vacation activities: nothing says “i’m on holiday” quite like mini-golf. the weather was nice and sunny, with only…

  • Summer,  Travel

    First Day in Warsaw

    i’ve been jonesing to go to warsaw for years now. there’s so many preconceived ideas of what it’s like there and i couldn’t wait to see it for myself. to best appreciate warsaw, you have to take into account it’s strange history. it looks so new in many areas because almost the entire city had to be rebuilt from the ground up. this is why to me, it seems so much of a modern mish-mash. i still don’t quite know what warsaw wants to communicate to the world; what it wants its grand message to be. (below, the famous palm tree) it’s not necessarily the grey dreary city you’d always…

  • Summer

    when planning this big ol’ three week (so long! so ambitious!) summer trip of mine, i kept asking myself: what makes the best trip?  i know a lot of us are going on summer holidays and we’re all hoping that our trips are heavy with those magical moments. we all plan full days of museums, sight-seeing, tours, excursions… it it occurred to me: how memorable are doing those things? sometimes i can barely remember a museum i went to three years ago.so, it took a bit of an examination on my part to think about my favorite memories from trips of the past ten years and really think about what…

  • Summer

    summertime, pt II

    happy august, friends. this week off for me has been so necessary have a enough trip research time for my big backpacking trip around poland… which i leave for in a couple days! although it wasn’t the dazzling sunny summer week i had been hoping for (more like humid, cloudy, and scattered showers) i have enjoyed it immensely. for the past two years august has been my month to play! (never for the life of me could i ever figure out what lana del ray sings about in “summertime sadness”) it’s always been an optimistic and exciting season full of fun and possibility. to support alex while he’s still working,…

  • Summer

    lost in vary

    we interrupt this slovenia post barrage to bring you dispatches from the 49th annual karlovy vary international film festival in beautiful karlovy vary, czech republic. today is the final day of this year’s fabulous festival, and i felt like talking about it. so here we go. after figuring out how things are done last year, alex and i came in ready to conquer the festival. we got in the secret “good line” at the box office an hour early and were first to get our tickets! we definitely learned that the key to film festival success is GET THERE EARLY, and we aced it so hard. this year, we spent…

  • Summer

    how i travel: apartment rentals

    i’ll be the first to admit that i love a good hotel stay. nothing makes me feel more pampered then cozying up in a fluffy white robe and ordering some room service. but being young, generally underemployed, and and on a budget, this isn’t economical  nor does it make much sense. for the past eight years i’ve mostly stayed in hostels, sometimes pensions or bed and breakfasts… but in the past couple of years, coinciding with my switch to becoming a slow traveler, renting an apartment (or a private bedroom in a shared apartment) has become absolutely the top option. although a hostel or hotel makes more sense for a…

  • Summer

    twenty-first century paris (an itinerary)

    in october and november 2012 on my way to prague, i made a two week pit-stop in paris between london and berlin. before this i had spent only a few days there eight years before, so i was thrilled to experience the city for an extended amount of days, this time with alex who had never been to france. now, inspired by reading the paris wife, i wanted to share about my fourteen day parisian experience and what my itinerary looked like. i sublet a tiny studio apartment in the 13th arrondissement while the resident (a russian artist) was on a holiday in the states. her rent was about the…

  • Summer

    liebster award

    i have to be honest that i had no idea what a liebster award was before amy bestowed it upon me. (thank you!!) it’s a blog award given by other bloggers to highlight quality, entertaining blogs (usually, that have less than 1,000 followers). and with this honor, i get to nominate a couple blogs that fit this description that have been on my radar for awhile and deserve recognition. then, the nominees can choose to answer eleven questions from me on their blogs. you can also choose to pick eleven random facts about yourself, but i figured answering eleven questions was good enough for me. my nominees? on the road…