• Summer

    loving local: at june’s end

    do you ever plan things way in advance only to realize, when the day gets closer, you don’t really want to go through with that plan anymore? that’s what happened to us this week, as was the first really “summer holiday” week for the both of us, we had talked about going camping ages ago until the week got here and i started having major decision anxiety. (holler to all of my fellow indecisive friends; the struggle is real) really, all i want is just to spend a little downtime at home or puttering around budějovice. it has happened: that sobo life has taken hold of me. (but watch in…

  • Summer

    june noms: what’s on the table

    with june comes the end of the school year, loads of beautiful bouquets gracing every room, more free time, and the best and freshest local produce that we’ve been waiting all year for! truly an amazing time, this late june. thanks to reading both animal, vegetable, miracle and how not to die in the spring months, i am completely pumped up to put my apron back on and take advantage of the flavors only available this season! (both books highly recommended, by the way, if you want to get more into either local or more healthful eating) i’ve been waiting eeeeevvver so patiently for the arrival of the first csa…

  • Summer

    talk is small

    “hey, what’s up?”  to be asked this question asked is the nightmare of most people who don’t know how to respond to it. (by the way, the only possible answer to this question: “not much, and you?”) even though i’ve lived here a little while now, i still like to ask people “how are you?” as one of the first questions. not strangers, but really, friends… people i know. i will usually get one of two responses. the first: “uhhhhhhh, fine! (that’s what you expect me to say, right?)” or the second: “terrible. the kids are behaving badly, the dog has got into the garden again, and the weather is…

  • Summer

    celebrating summer, art, + love in krumlov

    ahhh, the good month of june that ushers in the long-awaited summer season. still the unpredictable spring weather, yet we can rely on its warmer temperatures and suddenly, everything is a-buzz. no longer am i hibernating indoors because how can you when there is so much to do? outdoor festivals and concerts under the stars, barbecues with good buds, and open-air theater.   we are lucky here in south bohemia that one of the best and most well-known open-air theaters is right here in our region, located in český krumlov. not only is it an outdoor theater, only open in the warmer months, but it’s a revolving theater (otáčivé hlediště). that…

  • Summer

    the most unexpected place

    it was may 2012, just over four years ago now, and we were getting ready to plunk down the money for a one way plane ticket to adventure. we were going to be flying out of toronto, simply because it was close enough to michigan to drive to and we both wanted to see more of eastern canada. destination? the place that was cheapest to fly to from there. i remember when alex told me, “so, it really looks like it’s going to be glasgow.” glasgow? scotland? i didn’t know much about scotland at the time, but those tickets were a bargain ($486 each from airtransat, if i recall), so…

  • Summer

    may: friday things

    hey friends – hope you are having a beautiful may! i always enjoy this birthday month and finally shaking the winter cobwebs away, preparing for the fun that will come with spring… especially more travel opportunities, heh. we enjoyed a gorgeous weekend in prague (above, on kampa) to celebrate my birthday but honestly, i’ve been finding that most of the action is right here in south bohemia lately. hoping that in june we’ll have some time to steal away for some adventures. so! here are a few memorable moments and some things i’ve been into this past month. 1. boat trip! i’m not exactly a boating novice (i wrote about our kayak…

  • Summer

    this is thirty

    i look young for my age, or so i’ve been told. nobody has asked me for my age very recently, but whenever they do, they’re met with some sort of shock at how old i am. being told this has never really made a lot of sense to me. it’s like “thank you, i guess?” but i’ve lived all of these years; i’ve earned them. when i look in the mirror, i see each one of them (and those damn smile lines from my four years working at starbucks – thanks a lot, customer service).  so, this is what thirty looks like. it doesn’t mean i have to be this or…

  • Summer

    how moving abroad changed my attitude on cooking

    pre-moving to europe, there were some kitchen items that were just self-evident. lean cuisines. a microwave. pancake mix. a toaster. a coffee maker. (alright, actually i’ve always rebelled against these, but they certainly are a staple in most american kitchens) a microwave. because EVERY good household needs a microwave, right? how would i heat up my lean cuisines otherwise? here’s an old kitchen behavior for you: i used to keep this giaaaaant container of minced garlic in the fridge that i was so proud of ‘cause whenever a recipe called for some, you could just reach in for a pinch. no chopping or peeling necessary. bam. so smug about that.…

  • Summer

    april: friday things

    hello! is it just me or do things in “blog world” seem to be a bit quieter than usual? i suppose me as well, i’ve been writing only about once weekly, which seems to be a fine pace for a person who is not new to making a transition abroad and being immersed in a completely new culture. i’m feeling pretty at peace with that. but, i think it’s time to catch up on some life lately! so here’s my “five for friday” of what’s been happening lately. (above, some delicious smoothies and koláče picked up from a bakery last saturday and eaten on the balcony) 1. teaching i am…

  • Summer

    me and the music

    (i am aware this is a britney spears song title, which makes me love this post all the more) alternate title: living without stuff, pt. IV. music has long played a big part in my life…  but then again, so has travel. unfortunately, playing music and travel are two things that don’t often seem to fit well together i’ve found (unless you’re in a touring band, of course). back in my late high school/early university days, my music buddies and bandmates seemed always sort of perplexed when i up and left for a few weeks for up to a month every summer, sometimes missing gigs. “why… how did you get…