• Summer

    lately, november

    hi friends! we’re almost at the end of the month now and i’ve seen the mild weather go from pleasant and sunny to cold in almost an instant… funny as i was just bragging about our warm weather as recently as last weekend. no longer! this month has so far seen golden autumn countryside walks, celebrating our second “czechaversary”, and the first weeks of hosting travel tuesday! here’s what else has been up… … eating: the past few weeks haven’t been too kitchen friendly. it’s honestly felt more like a chore a lot of times and i kept buying only ingredients for one certain kind of food. for example, one week we…

  • Summer

    lovely blogs

    last month i was nominated by the fabulous bailie of the hemborg wife for a lovely blog award, which was such a nice surprise! i thought it was kinda funny too because i can’t get enough of using the word lovely… so fitting! the rules of the lovely blog award? thank the blogger who nominated you for the award add the one lovely blog award logo to your post (or elsewhere on your blog) share 7 facts about yourself nominate some other blogs to receive the award – blogs that you admire for sharing stories in a “lovely” way. so here goes seven facts about this gal… 1) i’m fascinated by celebrating heritage and am officially…

  • Summer

    when planning this big ol’ three week (so long! so ambitious!) summer trip of mine, i kept asking myself: what makes the best trip?  i know a lot of us are going on summer holidays and we’re all hoping that our trips are heavy with those magical moments. we all plan full days of museums, sight-seeing, tours, excursions… it it occurred to me: how memorable are doing those things? sometimes i can barely remember a museum i went to three years ago.so, it took a bit of an examination on my part to think about my favorite memories from trips of the past ten years and really think about what…

  • Summer

    next ten years of travel

    it seemed fitting the day that adventurings finally got it’s real home on the web (adventurings.com!) that i get an email alerting me of this blog’s second “birthday”. it’s pretty neat knowing my big adventure is over two years old. not only that, but this week i’m celebrating my big TEN YEARS of europe travel-versary: a decade from the time i took my first europe trip (celebrating my high school graduation) to five cities in five countries with two of my buddies. so in honor of this, i’ve got a couple of travel-y posts prepared. ‘cause man, ten years of traveling europe seems like kind of a big deal to…

  • Summer


    in slovene, “ljub” is a root word that means love. which is perfectly fitting for the capital of slovenia (as the tourism slogans are branding it these days), a small city that is easy to love. it was a wonderful place to land on a first visit to slovenia. everyone is relatively friendly and helpful, speaks near perfect english, are excited about sharing the best their country with you. it’s easy to make comparisons to other cities, like prague, vienna, or even perhaps venice near the waterfront. it felt like a welcome strangeness to see famiiar slavic words written all over, but a much more mediterranean feeling to the actual…

  • Summer

    liebster award

    i have to be honest that i had no idea what a liebster award was before amy bestowed it upon me. (thank you!!) it’s a blog award given by other bloggers to highlight quality, entertaining blogs (usually, that have less than 1,000 followers). and with this honor, i get to nominate a couple blogs that fit this description that have been on my radar for awhile and deserve recognition. then, the nominees can choose to answer eleven questions from me on their blogs. you can also choose to pick eleven random facts about yourself, but i figured answering eleven questions was good enough for me. my nominees? on the road…

  • Travel,  Winter,  Yearly Recap

    Krasný Nový Rok (2013 Recap)

    happy 2014! the new year’s sun is shining through my window…. a wonderful first sight of this first morning of the year. it seems like just last week that it was january first and i was wandering around my neighborhood of mala strana in the fog. it scares me a little how fast the year passed, which is a great reminder to “live in the now” and savor every moment of life. it tends to pass at a normal and much more acceptable time when i’m doing that. 2013 has been a very exciting year for me. to blindly move away from lovely prague in january just because of the promise…

  • Life Abroad,  Travel,  TravelTips,  Vagabond Days

    travel bests & worsts

    hey er’body! this weekend has been all about SERIOUS relaxing in preparation upcoming weekend jaunt to linz, austria.  park days saturday, sunday, and even today before the nice weather goes away. also, finishing the wire’s last season (incredible: one of the best TV shows of the 21st century thus far for sure). today my class was canceled so i had a nice sit…. seeing how’s i’ve spent over nine months “on the road” and have lived almost entirely on things that i brought with me when i packed all my belongings up last july. it sure is daunting to pack for over a year, and i’m surprised it went so…

  • Summer

    isle of skye

    skye is the biggest and most well-known island off the west coast of scotland, and with the ferry landing only a ten minute drive from arisaig house, it seemed like a must do.  however, trying to visit skye in a day and a half is kind of like trying to visit whidbey island in a day in a half.  the buses are hard to get around on and can leave you out in the cold sometimes. i’ve been much too spoiled with the beautiful scenery lately that skye looked like just another beautiful island, but the cuillin hills are the real star of the show.  that’s why people come here–…