• Life Abroad

    summer plans

    it may be the very end of february and there’s still a bit of melty snow on the ground, but we already have some summer plans in the works: alex and i are going to be camp counselors for english summer camps here in Ĉeské Budêjovice & Ĉesky Krumlov! these are day camps for children aged 5-10 that run for three weeks in july (four, if the demand is high enough) monday through friday.  we will have english instruction time with the children in the morning, then fun, creative, and outdoor activities with them in the afternoons as well as some field trips.  i’m pretty excited about this because i really enjoyed…

  • Expat Life,  Teaching

    teaching english

    i am now a long-term residence permit holder here in the czech republic! this means i’m legal to stay here for at least the next six months and am also legal to earn wages!  this is extremely exciting, as it was definitely a huge concern even before leaving for europe.  people often asked “howwww the heck are you going to stay past ninety days?” i had done some preliminary research and i felt pretty hopeful about it.  plus, there was always my back-up plan of fleeing back to britain for a spell, or perhaps croatia. but britain in the wintertime wasn’t exactly what i was imagining, so i am dang…

  • Budějovice,  Life Abroad,  Teaching,  Winter


    yesterday was a monumental day in the life of “cynthia abroad”, for i have been hired by a language school as an english teacher.  as clients come up, they will assign me classes and slowly my open schedule will fill.  i have already been assigned a course with an employee at a local firm here that will start the week after next, as this next week is the czech “spring break” holiday.  the czechs LOVE skiing and usually plan ski trips for their families to nearby ski resorts in the south of the country or in the austrian alps. i also had my first paying gig last night– first lesson…

  • Budějovice,  Life Abroad,  Prague,  Winter

    here we go again

    from the very beginning of this trip we’ve been on the move, and when we landed in prague i really had no idea how long we’d be here at all.  we moved into a beautiful flat in mala strana with a cool roomie and life has been great, besides the whole lack of jobs and money thing. however, our jobless streak is over as today, alex has officially been offered a position in České Budĕjovice with an English school that specializes in young learners and will be teaching about 18 classes a week to primary school children in both CB and Česky Krumlov, a nearby small town as beautiful as one from…

  • Pregnancy,  Travel,  Yearly Recap

    Year of Life & Travels: 2022

    2022 was such a big beautiful year, especially compared with the two that came before it. This was the year I finished out my first full school year (not online at all!) at my new place of work. I worked my little booty off, knowing it would be the end of my free time, earning both an Intermediate Certificate in Herbalism (two years of work!) in late April and a B2 Certificate (Upper-Intermediate) in German language achievement from the Goethe-Zentrum in early June. But obviously, the biggest thing – I spent the first half of the year growing a baby! In the middle of the year, giving birth, and the…

  • Czech Republic,  Daily Life,  Travel,  TravelTips,  Winter

    Surviving March + Thoughts on Traveling “These Days”

    Ahoj, friends. I spent much of February reading the novel, Station Eleven. I didn’t know what it was about at all when I picked it up as it was part of a book club, but man — this one was a doozy! It dealt with the topic of a worldwide influenza pandemic (not a spoiler) and really got me thinking about what I would do if the same situation happened to us now. Every night I would read a little bit before going to bed, wake up and read the news and feel like it was all starting to blur together. The timing of this read was all a bit…

  • Summer

    may, lately

    hey, it’s may! may sure starts quiet slow and cool but boy does it ramp up quickly! especially when you live in the czech republic which has a holiday two weeks in a row. i don’t know about you guys, but i can already feel the slowing of the school year and delighting in the approach of the second half of spring (the better half). here are some things that have been making me smile lately… our hiking holiday at the end of april really got the spring/warm weather mood going! i posted the above photo in that particular post but it’s just too darned cute not to share again.…

  • Summer

    the shores of bohemia

    last month, i was hit by the annual spring homesickness wave and could think of nothing but the ocean. whether in washington or in iceland, i just wanted to walk along a beach, to smell saltwater, to feel waves lapping against my feet.  i spoke to a couple of people about this great wanting to be near the sea – something that i feel has been deeply embedded in my soul, if i want to get sappy. one person i talked to (a dane) mentioned they do not share my need for the ocean. somebody else mentioned – well – here in czech republic, we are river people! fortunately my…

  • Summer

    lately, september

    when you have too much to write about and get behind with recording life’s happenings that you just don’t even know where to start anymore so you don’t post. sound familiar? well, it’s finally  time to talk about september & all recent life things here in south bohemia! it’s clear to me now from my post earlier this month that i was hur-ting. still getting over a serious bout of homesickness involved with leaving washington, i was not over it. it took about two weeks or so but everything found itself back to normal here in budejovice. fortunately early september brings fun markets and happenings like the annual vltava žije…